Tag Archives: Candace Perry

Isn’t It Romantic

Program for Sunday, January 10, 2021

On January 10, we’re pleased to offer you a short play written and produced by Candace Perry. Isn’t It Romantic interrogates the white privilege that would imagine a Southern plantation as a romantic setting for a wedding. Yes, destination weddings are still a “thing” and restored plantations are popular—albiet controversial—tourism destinations, as a recent NY Times article attests. Following the performance, there will be a “talk back” with the author and actors, who include Sallie Tighe, Cynthia Harrington, and Racine Oxtoby.

 Pre-register for this program at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIocu6tqjktE9SwCYJ8qZ1itZDIT1swuiT0

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Meeting platform will open at 9:30 for informal socializing. Program will begin promptly at 10:00.

A social worker by profession, Candace Perry began her playwriting career in 1989 when the Provincetown Theatre Company produced her one act, Keepers.  Ten years later, she returned to the Provincetown Theater’s Playwrights’ Lab, and my ten minute play, Meryl Streep, Meryl Streep, was produced featuring the legendary Julie Harris.  Since then, she had more than thirty short plays produced in Provincetown and elsewhere, has written four full length plays, and won many awards.  She is a member of the Dramatists Guild and the Provincetown Playwrights’ Lab.