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With the installation of the steeple cap, the chapel’s renovation — begun in spring 2018 — is complete! Click here to read more.
Nauset Fellowship is a small, welcoming, lay led congregation affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Association located at 220 Samoset Road in Eastham, MA.
Together we:
- Manage and maintain the Chapel in the Pines
- Offer the Community Food Exchange to all who want it
- Sponsor ongoing Anti-Racist Book Groups
- Organize weekly nondenominational programs open to the public
- Host an annual community potluck pre-Thanksgiving feast
- Provide modest financial support to local non-profit organizations
Every week there is something different, so come join us on a Sunday morning. Past topics have included Buddhism, Yoga, the Peace Corps experience, what’s happening in modern Bangladesh, immigration in the USA, how Abraham and Issac changed society’s view on infanticide, the history of the ukulele, the plovers of Nauset and the turtles of Wellfleet, dance and drumming of South India and many more interesting subjects. Our vision is to be a non-denominational welcoming community for all who wish to take part.
The Chapel in the Pines is also available for rent for weddings or social gatherings.
Nauset Fellowship, 220 Samoset Road, P.O. Box 831, Eastham, MA 02642