Program for Sunday July 21, 2019

Made in Heaven,” a staged reading of Candace Perry’s play performed by the author and Laura Cappello (well known for playing Patsy Cline). Talk back with Ms. Perry to follow the performance.

What is “Made in Heaven” about? In Heaven, each person is matched for all time to their one true love. Only problem is, some folks don’t much like the match, like Faye (Mrs. Eugene) McBride of Montgomery, Alabama. A traditional, white woman, she discovers that God matched her to Henry, her gardener of many years. Her black gardener. It’s up to God’s “assistant,” Marie Louise Benson to prove to Faye that God’s matches are never mistaken.

About the playwright: Candace Perry began her playwriting career in 1989 when the Provincetown Theatre Company produced her one act, Keepers.  Family and other career demands led her to write short stories for the next ten years, but in 1999 she returned to the Provincetown Theater’s Playwrights’ Lab, and her ten minute play, Meryl Streep, Meryl Streep,was produced featuring the legendary Julie Harris.  Since then, Perry has had more than thirty short plays produced in Provincetown and elsewhere, has written four full length plays, and won some awards.  She teaches a class in Writing the Short Play, and is a member of the Dramatists Guild and the Provincetown Playwrights’ Lab.