“Unitarian Principles in Executing Millennium Stone Statues”
How might the principles of Unitarianism inflect artistic choices and practice? Environmental scientist and artist John Brault will talk us through the process of envisioning, sourcing and sculpting his recently finished life-sized statue of the “Green Mountain Boy.”
This stone statue is made of a stone quarried in the Green Mountain National Forest called Verde Antique. It is known as the world’s premier luxury stone, often found in antique Boston furniture. The Verde Antique stone is also known as the world’ hardest and oldest stone, and therefore before the “Green Mountain Boy,” deemed impractical for stone art.
John Brault has a degree in environmental science, but has spent the past twenty years as a full-time professional artist, carving and painting wildlife. John spent a lot of time as a little boy roaming on Cape Cod beaches in the late 1960’s, and has returned here the last two winters to volunteer for the New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance’s Team Mola. He is currently preparing for his next life-sized statue of a “Fisherwomen,” to be done Lake Champlain Black Marble.